“Caring for an aging loved one can be a complex journey of intimacy, high stress, opportunities for renewed relationships, and letting go,” says Debbie Fins, LICSW, certified geriatric care manager and President of Deborah Fins Associates, PC, our newest Honoring Choices Community Partner. She and Susan Ritz, a licensed occupational therapist and geriatric care manager, “partner with elders and their families to ease the journey with expert, compassionate guidance and support.”

With 35 years experience in elder care, Debbie Fins is an accomplished elder care professional and an active member of the geriatric care management community. Ms. Fins is encouraged to see more and more people talking about care planning than ever before, and “families planning ahead for quality care that respects an elder’s choices.”

“We routinely ask adults if they have a Health Care Proxy and other planning documents as part of our initial assessment,” says Ms. Fins “to understand each person’s values and preferences for care.”  It is not uncommon to find that older planning documents have not been looked at for many years. “We’ll review the documents together to see if, for example, a Health Care Agent is still available and able to serve, and if the elder’s preferences and choices for care have changed overtime.” They help adults revise and update their plans and refer for legal or medical advice where appropriate.

Ms. Fins and Ms. Ritz help adults and families explore their care decisions “within their own history and culture.”  They offer a range of services that include a comprehensive assessment of a loved one’s needs, developing a plan with the elder at the center of their discussions to coordinate a caregiver support team, and providing guidance for selecting and financing appropriate care.

Read more at Meet Our Community Partner