Our Partners Are Making A Difference!
Over 2.2 million planning conversations and counting!
To date, the Honoring Choices MA Partners & Ambassadors engaged adults in over 1.5 million care planning conversations to complete or review care planning documents, and importantly, connected adults to care in their community. The data below is reported to us quarterly by the Honoring Choices Partners & Ambassadors. It is a conservative estimate of actual and estimated data. Not all Partners report quarterly; the actual totals may be significantly higher.
Partner Impact

Adults who engaged in care planning discussions

Massachusetts planning documents reviewed or completed

Completed documents placed into patient medical records

Adults who received/connected to care aligned with their choices

Adults who engaged in care planning discussions

Massachusetts planning documents reviewed or completed

Completed documents placed into patient medical records

Adults who received/connected to care aligned with their choices
Our Community Partners Report:
of adults, when asked, welcomed a health care planning discussion.
of Partners provide or refer adults to person-directed care consistent with their care goals.
6000 Ambassadors
enhance their knowledge and skills to engage adults in early and on-going health care planning conversations.
Icons revised from icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com