Webinars for Consumers
Gather your community and faith based groups to help adults make their own health care plan. These no cost, live webinars offer our signature "Who's Your Agent?” Program's structured approach to care planning, with downloadable multi-lingual documents and discussion guides. Help adults in your community confidently start planning conversations with their care provider to get good care today and over their lifetime.
Choose one or both webinars below. To schedule a webinar, contact Ellen DiPaola, edipaola@honoringchoicesmass.com
Webinar 1: "Now's the Time: Make Your Own Plan!"

This webinar , also called "What's in Your Plan?", helps adults get started to make a personal health care plan to help promote everyday health and wellness. Your plan tells your family and your doctors about your goals and care preferences to stay healthy, and your instructions in case of a medical emergency. We’ll use the HCM Getting Started Tool Kit to complete a free MA Health Care Proxy and MA Personal Directive (Living Will). You’ll also receive a handy discussion guide, “5 Things to Talk About with Your Care Providers”, to put your plan into action to receive the best possible care.
Who: HCM Partners and any community group can schedule a 45-60 minute zoom webinar.
How: You gather your group. We'll provide sample flyers to promote your event, and co-host the webinar using the HCM slide deck. It's an interactive session with ample room for comments and questions. First come, first serve. Contact Ellen, edipaola@honoringchoicesmass.com
Webinar Includes:
- HCM Getting Started Took Kit;
- Review of 5 Massachusetts care planning documents and handy discussion guides;
- Free downloadable documents: Health Care Proxy (14 languages) and Personal Directive (Living Will) (5 Languages);
- "I Have a Health Care Proxy" Wallet Card ( 4 languages)
- Introduction to the HCM Next Steps Tool Kit to build on your plan.
Webinar 2: "Let's Build Your Plan: Get Good Care Today and Over Your Lifetime."

This webinar will help adults build on their health care plan to manage illness as they age and live well with advancing serious illness. The webinar reviews the HCM Next Steps Tool Kit to empower adults to work in partnership with their care providers for the best possible care as health needs and care choices change. Adults will learn how to revise and add planning documents to help ensure your goals and care choices are known and honored.
Who: HCM Partners and any community group can schedule a 45-60 minute zoom webinar.
How: You gather your group. We'll provide sample flyers to promote your event, and co-host the webinar using the HCM slide deck. Interactive session with ample room for comments and questions. First come, first serve. Contact Ellen, edipaola@honoringchoicesmass.com
Webinar Includes:
- HCM Next Steps Tool Kit;
- Update and add to your plan with the 5 Massachusetts care planning documents and handy discussion guides;
- When and how to use the Durable Power of Attorney, Comfort Care/Do Not Resuscitate Order (CC/DNR); Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST).