Medical and Health Care Information
Here's some information to consider for the kind of care you want right now, and to help you plan for future care.

Creating a Road Map for Lifelong Quality Care
Talk with your doctors and care providers about your goals for care and your planning documents, to create your own personal road map for quality care at every stage of health.
Read more and download article.
Elizabeth J. Collins, MD, Medical Director of Palliative Care, Lahey Health

Things to Know about Life-Sustaining Treatment
A guide to some commonly asked questions about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Artificial Ventilation/Breathing, and Artificial Nutrition.

Care Providers: Important Members of Your Health Care Team
A care provider is any person helping to provide personal and medical care. Working as part of your health care team, they provide essential services and compassionate care.
Read more and download article.
Kate Granigan, MSW, LICSW, C-ASWCM, CEO, LifeCare Advocates

Choosing Hospice: A Personal Journey for Adults and Families
Hospice helps adults with advanced illness transition through to the end of life, and live each day to the fullest.
Read more and download article.
Nancy Storer, Christina Della Croce, Cindy Mayher, Denise McQuaide, Parmenter Community Health Care

For Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Health Care Providers: Information & Resources to Help Adults with Serious Advancing Illness
On December 19, 2014, new state regulations went into effect that require all licensed hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities to distribute information regarding a full range of end of life care options to adults with serious advancing illness. We’ve put together information and tools to help physicians and nurse practitioners work in partnership with patients to start planning discussions and offer the best possible care that honors a patient’s values and choices.