New State Regulations for Adults with Serious Advancing Illness

On December 19, 2014, new state regulations went into effect that require all licensed hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities to distribute information regarding a full range of end of life care options to adults with serious advancing illness. To help physicians and nurse practitioners easily access and  distribute a full range of information to patients, we’ve put together a summary of health care planning information and resources. The new state regulations remind us that every adult, or their Health Care Agent and Guardian, has the right to be fully informed about their health care in order to make informed choices, communicate their choices in planning documents, and have their choices honored. It also brings to light the fact that health care planning information and Massachusetts planning tools are the same whether you are an adult with serious illness looking for information on advance care planning, palliative care, hospice care, and end of life care options, or a physician and nurse practitioner now charged with offering that information. Physicians and patients can use the same clear and concise terms to explore options, and the same Massachusetts tools and documents to communicate patient choices. We hope our information and tools offer all Massachusetts adults and their health care providers a easier pathway for working together to match the best possible care to each individual’s values and choices.

Adults, Health Care Agents and Guardians,  can read more about their legal rights  and access information and tools  here.

Physicians and Nurse Practitioners can access the summary of information and tools here.

“Know Your Choices: A Guide for Patients with Serious Advancing Illness”, Dept.of Public Health. Click here