
Create, share, update and store documents online
Cake is an easy way to discover, store and share your health care planning documents and end of life care choices & preferences. Cake and Honoring Choices collaborated to create a unique option for the Honoring Choices Network and all adults in the Commonwealth. Consumers and care providers can access the Honoring Choices Health Care Proxy and the Honoring Choices Personal Directive on the Cake website. You can fill out the Honoring Choices documents on-line and share, update and securely store your documents in the cloud. Cake has helped thousands of individuals and organizations make planning progress not just the health care category, but also in legacy, legal/financial, and funeral considerations.
Cake has created an Honoring Choices-CAKE Joint Portal for easy access to the Honoring Choices documents.
Here's how it works:
- Go to the Honoring Choices-Cake portal
- Create your own free personal account
- View and download the Honoring Choices Health Care Proxy and the Honoring Choices Personal Directive and complete online, OR
- Upload your completed documents to your personal account
- Access the Cake cards to reflect on your values and choices and create your own profile of end of life choices and preferences to store and share
- If you have questions you can contact:
Cake is an Honoring Choices Alliance Partner. We work collaboratively on the shared mission of empowering adults to make a plan to honor their care choices. We offer this option here as information. You can explore the Cake website to decide if this option right for you.
For other options see Create, Share, Update, Store Options